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Monday, September 24, 2007
Attendi Wants to Search Inside Your Head
Attendi has come up with a new twist on “people search.” Attendi could more aptly be called chat search because it wants to search what’s in people’s heads as expressed through online chats. Attendi is half a social network, and half a knowledge database. Here’s how it’s supposed to work. Members, known as “Attendis,” will create profiles on the site describing their areas of expertise, hobbies, and interests, as well as adding links to their blogs, social networks, or simply Websites they identify with. The site, which opens in beta today, dynamically creates tags that define what each person knows and cares about (they can also add their own tags). It is built on top of the Lucene open-source search engine, and the Jabber instant-messaging protocol. When someone searches for a topic on Attendi, what comes back as results are profiles of other “Attendis” whose tags match the search request. And if they happen to be online at the moment, even on another IM system, the other person can initiate a chat discussion with one of them to ask questions about that topic. “Attendi will just be a way to broker your availability,” says CEO Drew Rayman. Every chat is archived, indexed, and becomes fodder for future search results. http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/09/24/attendi-wants-to-search-inside-your-head/ http://www.attendi.com/
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