Friday, October 12, 2007

Widgets, Widgets Galore: MatchKey, MuseStorm, FeedHub

Three more companies making new micro-applications that track and deliver media preferences.:

-Matchmine allows consumers to figure out what kind of media they like by creating a MatchKey, or a visualization of their preferences. Just give a ZIP code, date of birth and rate some movies, blogs, etc. with a star system a la Netflix. Users can share their MatchKey with friends and/or advertisers, but not any personal information. The Facebook widget version show what the person has in common with his or her friends--like Flixster, but not in list form
-MuseStorm makes widgets. It's a platform for making desktop widgets and mobile apps, and then lets customers monetize them. The presenters say it can be done in three minutes--Facebook apps, Google Gadgets and a variety of desktop applications. Users don't need to know anything about making widgets, just how to make a PowerPoint presentation. MuseStorm creation process works in a similar manner way--by creating a series of slides. MuseStorm says it tracks impressions and unique visitors to each widget.
-FeedHub delivers just the stuff you want via RSS. How does it do it? Based on your personal preferences.

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