Wednesday, May 7, 2008

SIM Card Reader Can Read Deleted Text Messages On Your Cell Phone

A new device allows anyone to spy on the text messages on your cellphone - including deleted ones you thought were gone for good. The sneaky gadget can read a cellphone's SIM card - a portable memory chip that stores a user's personal information - and allows snoopers to save any data from it onto their own computers. The device is made by the New York firm BrickHouse Security, which poses these paranoid questions on its Web site: "Have you ever wished you can spy on your wife, husband, teens or colleague's phone to see what they are up to?" "Are they being suspicious when on their cellphone?" Using the device is simple and fast. Just pop out the SIM card from the cellphone, place it in the gadget and transfer the data directly to your own computer. The device costs $149 and is tiny enough to fit covertly into your hand.

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