Monday, June 16, 2008

Amnesty Hypercube Turns Web Widgets Into Desktop Widgets, and Vice-Versa

The widgetsphere is roughly divided into two camps. There are desktop widgets like Apple Dashboard Widgets, Windows Gadgets, and Yahoo Widgets that act as standalone mini-apps that pull in data from the Web. And there are Web widgets like Google Gadgets or countless others that act as standalone mini-apps that you can add to Web pages such as iGoogle, Facebook, MySpace, blogs, etc. Amnesty Hypercube, an application from Mesa Dynamics that launched today in beta, is trying to bridge those two camps. For those who prefer the clutter of desktop widgets, Hypercube converts Web widgets into desktop widgets. It also converts desktop widgets back into Web widgets so that you can put your favorite widget into Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Friendster, or Orkut. This lets you mix and match widgets from different sources through a single management console.

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