Web audience measurement upstart Compete, Inc. has launched a new product, Compete PRO, which it says combines third-party audience measurement, individual Web site analytics and search analytics in a single tool. The Boston, Mass.-based researcher, a subsidiary of TNS media, is one of a handful of companies challenging the likes of Nielsen Online and comScore in the Web metrics arena – though Compete is perhaps better known for producing customized research for publishers and brands. While Compete currently offers a free research tool on its own site, the new Compete PRO is available to marketers and publishers for three different subscription offerings--Intro ($199), Standard ($299), Advanced ($499)--depending on the desired level of detail. Officials at the researcher say that the new tool bundles together multiple sets of actionable reports for its customers. “Compete PRO gives marketers a single place to go for premium-grade online metrics, something that until now was available to only a select few,” said Compete chief marketing officer Stephen DiMarco. For example, customers can user PRO to access unique users and page view data on a million different Web sites, and quickly asses which sites in certain categories are growing the fastest. Or, for heavy search advertisers, they can use the tool to gain insight into competitors’ keyword ad buying strategies.
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