Thursday, September 4, 2008

NFL Relaxes Stringent Internet Policy - Now You Get 90 Seconds of Video Online

For the upcoming NFL season, TV stations can put on their Web sites a full 90 seconds of video of interviews with players and coaches and other non-game team activity from the stadium. This is up from last year's limit of 45 seconds per team. But stations still can't shoot any game highlights for the Web and any highlights used in over-the-air newscasts have to be deleted before they are posted. Even the 90 seconds of non-game video has strings. It must have a clearly visible link to, and those precious seconds can only stay on the Web site for 24 hours. The restrictions are making it near impossible for TV stations that want to take their successful news-weather-and-sports formula to the Web. What's sports without the winning catch? It's all part of the NFL's strategy of holding on to the rights of all video shot in and around their stadiums and carefully regulating its use.

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