Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Study: Rich People Use the Web More

The rich are different, at least when it comes to their use of digital media. The new Affluent Survey from Ipsos Mendelsohn (known as Monroe Mendelsohn Research, until Ipsos bought it earlier this year) for the first time includes data on the digital habits of the affluent; and found that as the rich get richer, they spend more time online. Not surprisingly, affluent heads of house (defined as those with an income of $100,000 and up) are highly wired, with almost all owning and using a desktop or laptop and cell or mobile, according to the survey. This group, which represents about 20 percent of U.S. households, goes online an average of about 26 times per week using a computer and 17.6 times using a cell or mobile. Overall, the affluent spent 23.4 hours per week online, found the survey, out Sept. 2. Among those pulling in $250,000 and up, the figure rises to 27.4 hours. The same applies to the use of mobile devices. While 40 percent of affluent households use hand-held devices to access the Internet, the percentage rises to 57 percent among those in the $250,000-plus bracket from 34 percent for those at the $100,000- to $149,999-level.

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